Temporary aviation obstacle
Agreeing on a temporary aviation obstacle in the obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) of Poznań-Ławica Airport
From March 2022, the operator of Poznan Airport introduces a fee for issuing an arrangement for the location of temporary aviation obstacles in the amount of:
- PLN 750 net + 23% VAT (PLN 922.50).
The applicant is asked to make a payment to the account:
35 1240 1763 1111 0000 1812 9155
The title of payment:
“Fee for reconciliation of a temporary aviation obstacle” and the construction address and / or number of plots and area.
Agreeing on a temporary aviation obstacle in the obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) of Poznań-Ławica Airport
In accordance with art. 87(4) of the Aviation Law (Journal
of Laws of 2018, item 1183, as amended) all temporary and movable permanent structures (generally cranes) constituting aviation obstacles in the light of separate regulations (i.e. penetrating obstacle limitation surfaces for airports in Poland), must − before their installation − be agreed by the airport operator and the institution providing air traffic service − Polish Air Navigation Services Agency.
A completed and signed request for the installation of an obstacle in the area of Poznań-Ławica Airport (within the obstacle limitation surfaces) along with a map at any scale, allowing for an unambiguous location of the planned facility (obstacles), should be submitted in parallel in writing to the following addresses:
- Polish Air Navigation Services Agency
ul. Wieżowa 8
02-147 Warszawa - Poznań-Ławica Airport
“Aviation Obstacles”
ul. Bukowska 285
60-189 Poznań
and sent in an editable form along with a signed scan to the following addresses:
In order to maintain the proper quality and correctness of the data of the agreed objects, both the WGS-84 geographical coordinates (horizontal location) and the height of the object (heights in the PL-EVRF2007-NH frame) as well as the terrain elevation (vertical values) should be confirmed by an authorised surveyor.
In order to ensure smooth installation of temporary facilities in airport areas, the information mentioned above should be delivered to PANSA and Poznań-Ławica Airport at least one month in advance.
If the examination of the request requires additional information, the applicant will be informed about the need to supplement the submitted request.
THR10 threshold coordinates
THR28 threshold coordinates
52°25'29.85'' N
52°25'05.43'' N
Comments to the data required in points 2.7 and 2.8 of the request:
The distance measurement should be made to the proximal runway threshold, as shown in the figure below.