Port Lotniczy Poznań-Ławica Sp. z o.o., Poznań, under the decision of the Ministry of Infrastructure, was recognized as the key service operator:
Service activities incidental to air transportation by the airport operator.
Therefore, we inform you that, as the key service operator, we make every effort to ensure the continuity of the key service under the requirements of the Act of 5 July 2018 on the national cybersecurity system (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1560).
Cybersecurity, understood under the Act in force as “resistance of information systems to activities violating the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authenticity of the processed data or related services offered by the systems” is a crucial and demanding issue in modern times.
Along with the evolution of security systems, the number and the complexity of threats increase. There are more and more attacks by hackers (cyberterrorism) who use new malware and scripts developed by themselves or others, the purpose of which is to gain unauthorized access to accounts and files of other users to steal business information and take control over processes.
These are risks that can lead to critical business losses.
Proper preparation to resist cyber attacks guarantees companies a better competitive advantage and may determine their survival.
The effectiveness of activities undertaken within its framework requires and strictly depends on successful and reasonable cooperation between government institutions and private enterprises. It is based, among other things, on the joint and reliable exchange of information and joint activities aimed at eliminating incidents understood as “an event that has or could hurt cybersecurity”. It is one of the basic principles of the National Cybersecurity System.
More useful information
Given the above, bearing in mind, among other things the provisions of the Act mentioned above, on the national cybersecurity system and the important recommendation to spread information on cybersecurity and access to knowledge, we encourage you to read the content available at the following links:
If you notice anything disturbing that is related to cybercrime, please inform the relevant services about it: