The main investment tasks carried out under the Project:

1. Extension and modernisation of the passenger terminal building with infrastructure:

  • construction of an arrival terminal, construction of a check-in hall, modernisation of the departure terminal

2. Design and development of airport planes:

  • Construction of taxiways: a parallel taxiway and an exit road
  • Extension of the aircraft parking apron

3. Construction of an aircraft de-icing station

The implementation of the Project contributed to increasing the capacity and improving the quality and safety of services provided at Poznań-Ławica Airport.

Project value:

PLN 230 306 234.62

The value of co-financing from the European Union from the Cohesion Fund:

PLN 86 406 849.88

The project “Poznań-Ławica Airport − expansion and modernisation of airport and port infrastructure” is co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund under the Infrastructure and Environment Program.