Development of fire safety systems
The entire project is intended to improve the safety system at Poznań-Ławica Airport in connection with the systematically increasing air traffic.
The acquired technical means will be used to maintain the standards required by the relevant regulations.
In order to meet the above requirements, the following material scope of the project was implemented:
- integrated radar and camera unit,
- intrusion detection system – an integrated system for perimeter protection.
Total Project implementation cost (gross):
PLN 12 668 571.34
Total Project implementation cost (net):
PLN 10 299 651.49
The amount of co-financing from the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund:
PLN 8 754 703.75
Project entitled:
“Improvement of the security system of the Poznań-Ławica Airport” co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program.